

Galileo is the innovative cleanable space saver trap for kitchen sinks.

It has been designed with the purpose of making kitchens’ compartments more spacious and modern.

Its reduced thickness allows to fill under-the-sink compartments at their utmost capacity and it features a protective cardboard (patented) made of water repellent material to avoid humidity stains on the wall during cleaning operations and it also features a press-fit and leak-free connections (also in case of boiling water and/or detergents discharge) by means of innovative sylicon o-rings.


Flexible and extensible pipe with overmolded gasket. Available with plastic nut or light alloy nut, with or without rosette and with single or double outlet.


W.C. flexibile and extensible connector, with equipped sealwashers which allow a perfect joint, as they conform to any type of discharge and avoid possible leak of bad smells.


Stainless steel design siphon, also available in space saving version.