Stand Construction

Belgrade Fair is organized in such manner that every Exibitor can be provided with full service in one place.

One out of many aspects of services that Belgrade Fair provides is construction and decoration of exhibitor’s display. This service is provided by Project Bureau which is a part of Fair’s Commerce sector.

Construction of stands, exhibitions, presentations and other events can be provided within Fair’s premises and in other sites.

Project Bureau team consists of 4 architects, 4 technicians, and 2 sales and service managers.

In construction of stands and exhibitions the following systemic constructions are used:

  1. Standard construction – Trisy System
  2. System of linear bars – Syma Cross Brace Beams CBB
  3. System of spatial bars – Syma Orbit
  4. System of large spread – Syma Molto 90
  5. Loft construction – Syma Standard
  6. Loft construction – Syma Orbit

Our services are classified as Preset Projects and Custom Projects

Preset Projects

Service Pack STANDARD

Applications for the STANDARD service package

Service Pack MOLTO

Applications for the MOLTO service package

Design Office

Tel: +381 11 3615 246, 2655 432, 2655 787, 2655 630, 2655 040
